Saturday, December 31, 2022

Citation.js: 2022 in review

Following up on the previous two updates this year (Version 0.5 and a 2022 update and Version 0.6: CSL v1.0.2), here are some updates from the second half of 2022, as well as some statistics.

Sapygina decemguttata, a small wasp, observed July 8th, 2021


  • The mappings of the Wikidata plugin were updated, especially to accomodate for software.
  • The default-locale setting of some CSL styles is now respected.

New plugins

New users

  • WikiPathways is in the process of moving to a new site which uses Citation.js to generate citations.
  • Page, R. D. (2022). Wikidata and the bibliography of life. PeerJ, 10, e13712. 10.7717/peerj.13712
  • Boer, D. (2021). A Novel Data Platform for Low-Temperature Plasma Physics. [Master’s thesis] Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. URL


@citation-js/core was downloaded approximately 240,000 times in 2022, against 205,000 times in 2021. The legacy package citation-js was downloaded approximately 160,000 times (compared to 190,000 times in 2021). This is good, as it indicates people are starting to use the new system more often. Note that most downloads of citation-js also lead to a download of @citation-js/core so most people still use the legacy package. The shift to stop using citation-js seemed to have started in October 2021, which coincides with the time time I forgot to update that package for 2 months after releasing v0.5.2 of @citation-js/core.

Since February 2022 a relative decrease in downloads of @citation-js/plugin-wikidata compared to core is also visible. In December the Wikidata plugin was downloaded more than 50% fewer times, in fact. This is also good and the exact point of the modularisation introduced back in 2018: to let users choose which formats to include. The DOI plugin was similarly less popular, while the BibTeX and CSL plugins were — as expected — almost always included. Surprisingly, BibJSON, a very niche format, only had a 25% reduction (maybe due to confusion with BibTeX and the internal BibTeX JSON format), while RIS, after BibTeX the most common format, had a 50% reduction as well.

New Year’s Eve tradition

After the releases on New Year’s Eve of 2016, 2017, and 2021, this New Year’s Eve also brings the new v0.6.5 release which changes the priority of some RIS fields in very specific situations, most notably the date field of conference papers (now using DA instead of C2).

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Explore identification keys on the world map

The website of the Library of Identification Resources has a new feature: a map view. The resources in the catalog are associated with a geographic scope to approximate which species in a taxonomic group can be identified. These geographic scopes are usually countries or continents but can also be subdivisions within countries, multinational ecological regions like mountain ranges, and biogeographical realms.

The scopes are also linked to Wikidata identifiers, and the Wikidata identifiers are linked to iNaturalist identifiers. This makes it possible to get GeoJSON of these places from the iNaturalist API. Then the places can be displayed with the Leaflet library, and shaded according to the number of resources associated with it.

Map of the world with certain continents, countries, and lower divisions with black outlines and colored in various shades of red depending on the number of resources. Europe, especially western Europe is the darkest red.
World map with countries, continents and other regions shaded according to the number of associated resources.

There are a number of places that are not displayed:

  1. The biogeographical realms are not all in iNaturalist (e.g. Indomalayan realm).
  2. Some places like have ambiguous definitions (e.g. the Middle East) making it difficult to decide whether to link their Wikidata & iNaturalist entities if different definitions are used.
  3. Other places are historical and are difficult to express in modern borders (e.g. Japanese Empire in ca. 1930).
  4. A number of resources have scopes that have never been expressed in political borders (e.g. “the coast of Italy”).

All in all 347 of the current 1286 resources are not displayed, though it should be noted that 72 of those have no scope (e.g. keys for all globally known species).

Either way, the map clearly shows the geographical bias: Western Europe, especially the Netherlands, is overrepresented. This is because I have been mostly adding Dutch resources and various series from the UK (RES Handbooks), France (Faune de France), Denmark (Danmarks Fauna), Sweden (online keys and Nationalnyckeln), and Norway (Norske Insekttabeller).

The map is available from the home page and at

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

On the modelling and application of the taxonomic coverage of identification keys

The main feature of the Library of Identification Resources is the description of the identification key (or matrix, reference, etc.). This description should on its basis specify when the key can or should be used. I have initially split this description into the taxonomic coverage and the ‘scope’. The latter includes life stage and sex but also some restrictions on the taxonomic coverage that are more difficult to characterize, like “species that cause galls on plants in the Rosa genus” or “species that live in aquatic environments”.

Hairy, black moth with long antennae with a clubbed end, and narrow, blue-speckled wings with bright red spots, with a bright yellowish green background consisting of out-of-focus grass
Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758)

Simple solution

For the taxonomic coverage sensu stricto, I started with the parent taxon, e.g. the family or genus. However, many keys do not treat all the species in a family, and are instead limited by a geographic scope. This geographic scope should clearly also be included. Then there are more casual keys that can be very useful but may not be complete even at the time of publication, either excluding some rare species or only including some common species. This can be detailed (to some extent) with an incomplete/complete switch. Finally, although many keys are for species, there are some keys primarily for identifying genera, families, or other ranks. Below are some example works where these aspects do or do not apply.

Title Parent taxon Geographic scope Incomplete Target rank
B460: A revision of the world Embolemidae (Hymenoptera Chrysidoidea) Embolemidae
B1: Identification Key to the European Species of the Bee Genus Nomada Scopoli, 1770 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Including 23 New Species Nomada Scopoli, 1770 Europe
B81: Key to some European species of Xylomyidae Xylomyidae Europe Yes
B63: MOSCHweb - Interactive key to the genera of the Palaearctic Tachinidae (Insecta: Diptera) Tachinidae Palaearctic realm genus

If only it were that simple

It became clear quite quickly that this is not enough. For one, parent taxon, geographic scope, and target rank should be able to contain multiple values. Additionally, as we saw before, some taxonomic coverages like “gallers on Rosa sp.” cannot be captured with these parameters unless the “Parent taxon” list gets very long and detailed.

Another, more common problem is that even the combination of a parent taxon and a geographic scope is hardly specific enough to be able to say whether an identification key is reliable and complete for a situation. Species are discovered, migrate, emigrate, and become extinct. Taxa are moved to different genera, families, and orders. In B659: Orthoptêres et Dermaptêres (Faune de France 3) from 1922, the order Orthoptera also contains Dictyoptera, currently a superorder consisting of cockroaches, stick insects, praying mantises, and more. This is a big problem too. Key questions that should be answerable are “How well does a British key apply to a Dutch observation?” and “How well does a British key from 1950 apply to a British observation from 2020?”

To account for the changes within higher-level taxa you might want to make a list of species that are included in the keys. For B81 for example, that could look like this:

Screenshot of a webpage titled "Identification resource B81:1", linked below. The relevant part of the webpage is a tree of taxa, consisting of one family containing two genera, containing 2 and 1 species respectively.

This gives a very clear image of the taxonomic coverage of the key: it includes three species, Salva marginata, S. varia and Xylomya maculata. The inclusion of the species in this key has a permalink, and the taxon is linked to a GBIF identifier. The list of species can then be matched (especially with the identifiers) to current checklists for the region that the observation was made in. More on that later.

This solution can easily be used for more complex taxonomic coverages, like the aforementioned key for species that cause galls on Rosa species. The ‘species’ list can also be a taxon list and have e.g. genera as the lowest rank. Another advantage is that there is no longer a need to explicitly specify the geographic scope, whether or not the key was known to be incomplete at the time of writing, and what the target taxon rank of the key is. In addition, this specific implementation also allows for multiple keys per work, which has various uses.

Two purposes

One problem that still comes up is that these taxon lists have two purposes:

  1. They describe which taxa can be distinguished with the key.
  2. They describe which taxa are considered when making the key.

These two are at odds. In a key to genera it would be simple to make a list of these genera, fulfilling (1) but not (2): if a species in of those genera gets moved to a different one, or if an additional species in one of the existing genera appears, the key ‘breaks’. The latter could be fixed by just listing all species but at that point you might as well fix both problems with (2) by grouping the species by genus. To simultaneously fulfill purpose (1) and (2) it is necessary to divide the taxonomic tree into units that can be distinguished by the key.

Even when fulfilling purpose (1) it is still possible to partially accomplish (2) in keys for e.g. families that key out to species. If, when making the species list, higher ranks such as genera are included, the key to genera can be validated according to (2) without having to go into more detail than the key. Therefore it is important to capture the entire taxonomic tree as presented in the work.

Another thing that might be useful to record is the synonyms. Many of the more academic works publish along with the key a series of descriptions including synonyms. If the status of that synonymic taxon is now different from the status in the key, this may be of importance to the results of the identification. It comes down to the same split of purposes: (1) no distinction is made in the key between the two taxa but (2) both taxa are, in theory, considered. Either way it is important to list both in some way.

If only it were that simple

At this point it became clear which taxa are necessary to include in such a list. But how to describe the taxa in those lists? This is an (enormous) rabbit hole in and of itself, and if I had more experience I could make a Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names-style post about it. It starts with the normal parts: every taxon has a name, an author, a year, and a rank. That rank can be kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, or species. But there is a seemingly endless list of increasingly obscure ranks, sometimes only in use by one or a few authors (what is a “stirps”??); taxa can have multiple authors and different ways of presenting this (et/and/& and et al. or listing everyone); the names themselves can be spelled in different ways and include or omit initials; the year can be very unclear, especially for taxa published in older works published over multiple years; and the scientific names themselves can have different spellings, capitalizations, and hyphenations as well.

As with personal names, the ‘trick’ is to trust the source to some extent, and avoid focussing on the specifics of the scientific name. After all, there is no reason to make the computer understand the scientific names. The goal is to allow for matching (and there are ways to do that without trying to standardize everything) and, secondarily, to present the names in such a way that humans can understand them (and the original key already did that).

Measuring applicability (more problems)

Now, with a complete and structured taxonomic tree, the question becomes how to check whether it applies to a certain observation. The idea is to compare the taxon list to a list of all the species that a certain observation could be. But where does such a list come from? The simple solution would be a checklist: a professional, thorough list of all the species that are known to occur in a certain area.

If such a checklist is not (easily) available (I am not aware of a global database of checklists, let alone in a standardised format), it might be tempting to create one from a map of observations from e.g. GBIF. The advantage of this is that you have, to some extent, global coverage and a standardised format. However, this has some caveats. The correctness of the resulting checklist is entirely dependent on the quality and quantity of the observations in the region. To get a higher sensitivity it may be useful to instead make a checklist of a larger, encompassing region, but this lowers the specificity. A species occurring in Belgium might only have recorded observations in the Netherlands on GBIF. The same goes for the time scale. There might be museum specimens of species that are now extinct in the region, but there might also be rare species that are only seen every 50 years or so.

A good addition (or a risky alternative) to a checklist would be a measure of the (relative) abundance of species in the region, and weighing the taxon lists of the keys according to that. This prioritises keys that include more common species over keys that include more rare species. Of course, the key of common species can be wrong about an observation of a rare species. Another problem is how to determine the (relative) abundance. Again it is tempting to derive this from GBIF observations, but a species with a lot of observations is not necessarily more common. It might be the focus of an observation campaign, or national attention of a different kind, it might sit still more often, it might be easier to recognize, or it might even be easier to identify to a species level.

An additional possibility of measuring applicability is bringing the scope restrictions mentioned at the start into this. Apart from belonging to a certain taxon, the observed organism also has a biological sex, a life stage, and more characteristics that may restrict which keys can be used. To compare these characteristics between keys and organisms they need to be described with a common, consistent vocabulary. iNaturalist has such a vocabulary (the “Annotations”), but there might be more suitable ones out there somewhere.

(For this it might also be useful to map keys that distinguish castes of ants, males/females of solitary bees, or life stages of shield bugs. How do you model that? Not in the same way as described above, that is for sure.)

Using the data

As I teased in the previous blog post about the Library of Identification Resources, I have started to collect this data, and attempted to recruit some others to contribute as well. All works which have their keys (and matrices, checklists, descriptions) mapped out can be found by searching for “TRUE” in the “Tax. data extr.” field. To get from the work page to a taxa list, look for the row titled “Resources” in the first table on the page. If available it lists the individual resources in the work for which the taxonomic data is extracted.

The pages for the taxonomic data of the individual resources contains some basic information about the work (as well as a link), as well as the page numbers of the resource within the work if available. There is also some info on the resource, derived from the same info in the work unless different for that resource. Then there is a list of taxa, displayed as a tree. Each taxon has a rank, an anchor, and if available a link to the corresponding taxon in GBIF.

The data is also used in the proof-of-concept app that I introduced in the previous blog post. Searching for a taxon and coordinates will now query GBIF for observations in that taxon in the country encompassing the coordinates, and match this with the GBIF identifiers in the taxon lists. It displays the relative amount of taxa in the ‘checklist’ that are also in the key as a percentage and a small pie chart. It does not yet deal with synonyms.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Library of Identification Resources

Since around this time last year, I have been working on creating a library of identification resources. Here, “identification resources” are identification keys, multi-access (matrix) keys, other works that can aid in the identification of species. The project is managed on GitHub:

Digital drawing of a black moth with red spots and light speckles on the forewings and red hindwings. Below the moth is a grey bar signifying a label, and the whole picture has a light beige background.
The logo: Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758)

About the project

Right now the project mainly consists of a catalog, a list of works (or rather “manifestations” in the FRBR model) that contain identification resources. The catalog contains bibliographic information, but also a summary of the identification resource(s) that they contain.

This summary consists of the starting taxon or taxa (e.g. Chrysididae), a region that the resource applies to (e.g. Europe), an optional scope (e.g. adults, males and females), the taxonomic rank(s) that the resource distinguishes (usually species), and whether the key was supposed to be complete for the region-scope combination at the time of publication.

This data is similar to that provided by BioInfo UK (example). They actually go in more detail, with more nuance in completeness, the equipment required for using the key (e.g. stereo microscope), whether and what specimen preparation is required, and expert reviews. The Library of Identification Resources does not include this information, but has a broader geographical scope¹ and can be searched in a more structural way.

The places (for the geographical scope of keys) and the authors and publishers linked to works as well as the works themselves are linked to Wikidata entities wherever possible. Journals and book series are linked to ISSNs.

Using the data

On top of this catalog, I built a website: This provides a user interface, allowing for structured searches through the catalog, linking multiple versions (FRBR “manifestation”) of the same work (FRBR “work”), a few graphs exploring the distribution of languages, licenses, etc., and some additional functionality like exporting citations.

To improve searching, I am also working on an app that lists the most relevant resources for a given situation. In the proof-of-concept (GitHub) users can enter a parent taxon and a coordinate location and get (possibly) applicable resources for that situation. This uses the GBIF API for taxon searches, and the iNaturalist API for looking up places around coordinates.

Results are sorted according to a few heuristics, including:

  • The availability of full text.
  • How close the key taxon is: a key for Vespidae is likely better than one for Insecta, when identifiying Vespa.
  • How recent the resource is.
  • Whether the level of detail indicates that the key can actually improve on the parent taxon.
  • Whether the resource was considered complete during publication.
  • Whether the resource is a (matrix) key, just a reference or a photo gallery, or even a just collection of other resources (which are not guaranteed to contain anything relevant, and if they did, they would likely show up in the results already).

The data is currently biased towards the Netherlands and the rest of western Europe, as well as towards insects and mainly Hymenoptera. This is because I have mainly worked on adding resources that I was using, or resources referenced therein.

Screenshot of a website. The header has a logo of a moth, the text "Library of Identification Resources" and three links, "Catalog", "Statistics", and "GitHub". In the main part: in the top left is a paragraph of text; in the top right two input fields labeled "Taxon" and "Location" and a button labeled "Search"; on the left is a table listing items and on the right is an embedded PDF viewer
The proof-of-concept app in action.

Future plans

Improving the interface

I want to improve the interface of the proof-of-concept app and I have a number of ideas for this:

  • Allow users to “upload” photos. These would not be uploaded to a server but rather just displayed locally, but could serve a couple of purposes:
    • Automatic extraction of coordinates from EXIF data
    • Automatic determination of a parent taxon using computer vision [needed: a computer vision model :)]
    • Viewing the key side-by-side with the photos.
  • Same, but by entering a GBIF/iNaturalist observation ID.

Improving the data model

One of the main improvements that I want to make is modeling of individual keys/resources within works for two reasons:

  1. Works can contain multiple resources with completely different properties. If a work contains a key of Family A to Genus B and C, a key to the species of Genus B, and a key to the species of Genus C, those can be modeled as a single key to the species of Family A (assuming B and C are the only relevant genera). But this is not always the case. In addition, a work can contain resources of different types, like a key and a checklist (B159).
  2. Listing the taxa in the resource. I am aware of a few problems with this, but a list of species in a key can be matched to a modern checklist. This gives a better idea about how well a British key could apply to a Dutch observation (or an older British key to a more recent British observation, with all the species migration going on).

A screenshot of a collapsible taxonomic tree, where each taxon has a taxon name, a rank in grey text, a link icon and usually a GBIF icon
Example of what this would look like.

Contributing data

You are welcome to contribute data to the catalog. I plan to make this easier in the future, as currently the master copy of the data is still in the non-version-controlled spreadsheet that I started the work in.

¹ Note that the current data has a geographical bias, but this is not the same as a strict scope in my opinion.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Citation.js Version 0.6: CSL v1.0.2

Since the citation-js npm package was first published, version 0.6 is the first major version of Citation.js that did not start out as a pre-release. Version 0.3 itself spent almost 6 months in pre-release, but only received updates for less than half a month. Version 0.4 spent more than a year in pre-release and received updates for about 4 months. Version 0.5 takes the cake with one and a half years in pre-release, receiving updates for a year, also making it the best-maintained version.

Yellow flowers with lots of little "rays" on greenish brown stems

Tussilago farfara, March 27th, 2022

Version 0.6 is a major version bump because it introduces a number of breaking changes, including raising the minimal Node.js version to 14. Since April 2022, Node.js 12 is End-Of-Life, which led to a lot of dependencies dropping support. Now, Citation.js does so too. Other changes include the following:

Update data format to CSL v1.0.2

The internal data format is now updated from CSL v1.0.1 to v1.0.2. This introduces the software type and the generic document type, as well as some other types, and some new fields. The event field is also renamed to event-title. That, and software replacing book, makes it so that CSL v1.0.2 is not compatible with CSL v1.0.1 styles, making it a breaking change.

  • CSL data is now automatically upgraded to v1.0.2 on input.
  • Cite#data ((new Cite()).data) now contains CSL v1.0.2 data.
  • Output formatters of plugins now receive CSL v1.0.2 data as input.
  • util (import { util } from '@citation-js/core') now has two functions, downgradeCsl and upgradeCsl, to convert data between the two versions.
  • The data formatter (.format('data')) now takes a version option. When set to '1.0.1', this downgrades the CSL data before outputting.
  • @citation-js/plugin-csl already automatically downgrades CSL to v1.0.1 for compatibility with the style files.
  • Custom fields are now generally put in the custom object, instead of prefixing an underscore to the field name.

The mappings are also updated. Especially the RIS and BibLaTeX mappings were made more complete by the increased capabilities of the CSL data schema. Non-core plugins are also being updated, mainly affecting @citation-js/plugin-software-formats and @citation-js/plugin-zotero-translation-server.

Test coverage

While updating the plugin mappings, the test suites of the plugins were also expanded. This led to the identification of a number of bugs, that were also fixed in this release:

  • BibLaTeX
    • handling of CSL entries without a type
    • handling of bookpagination
    • handling of masterthesis
  • RIS
    • RegExp pattern for ISSNs
    • Name parsing of single-component names

Closing issues

A number of issues were also fixed in this release:

  • Adding full support for the Bib(La)TeX crossref field
  • Mapping BibLaTeX eid to number instead of page
  • Adding a mapping for the custom BibLaTeX s2id field
  • In Wikidata, getting issue/volume/page/publication date info from qualifiers as well as top-level properties.

CSL styles

The bundled styles (apa, vancouver, and harvard1) were updated. Note that harvard1 is now an alias for harvard-cite-them-right. Quoting the documentation:

The original “harvard1.csl” independent CSL style was not based on any style guide, but it nevertheless remained popular because it was included by default in Mendeley Desktop. We have now taken one step to remove this style from the central CSL repository by turning it into a dependent style that uses the Harvard author-date format specified by the popular “Cite Them Right” guide. This dependent style will likely be removed from the CSL repository entirely at some point in the future., CC-BY-SA-3.0

Looking forward

Some breaking changes are still pending, mainly changes to the plugin API and the removal of some left-over APIs. However, I also want to work on a more comprehensive format for machine-readable mappings, a format for mappings for linked data, and of course implementing more mappings in general!

Monday, May 30, 2022

A story about a university login with a broken security configuration, and a mildly uncooperative help desk

Last semester I followed some courses at a different university, and went through the process of collecting login credentials and multi-factor authentication tokens and familiarizing myself with a network of university systems all over again. Most (but not all) of those systems use the main single sign-on login process of the university, at

The university has two main domains, let’s call them and

One of those systems is Brightspace, used by course coordinators to communicate course information, syllabi, and additional documents to students. Very important for someone new to the university, especially someone who did not go through the normal process of introduction weeks and tutorials. But when I logged in at, I was met with a blank screen. Other systems worked fine, including those to set up my email, but Brightspace did not.

Naturally I opened the trusted Chrome DevTools and saw the following error:

Refused to navigate to '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "navigate-to 'self' https://* https://*".

That was already pretty clear: one of the Content Security Policy directives was simply blocking any navigation to any domains other than a short list of exceptions, which did not include the domain that Brightspace was on. But that seems like a major problem, one that would have been caught already unless I had some incredibly (un)lucky timing.

In the background, a Chrome window with a single tab showing a blank page. In the foreground, a Chrome DevTools showing the error mentioned above.

It turned out, however, that specifically the navigate-to directive was not supported yet at all, in any browser, at least according to MDN. However, in the Chromium code the following could be found:

// Content counterpart of ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures in
// third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5. Enables
// experimental Content Security Policy features ('navigate-to' and
// 'prefetch-src').
public static final String EXPERIMENTAL_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_FEATURES = "ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures";

Turns out I had the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag enabled, for some reason, and that flag probably included the EXPERIMENTAL_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_FEATURES. I probably enabled the flag for development at some point? I do not even remember. But that meant the navigate-to directive was just wrong.

Since I did not want to disable the flag (or were not sure whether it would help), I instead turned to ModHeader: a Chrome web extension to modify requests and responses in the browser. I mainly use it to view DOI content negotiation requests in the browser instead of using cURL. With that I could modify the navigate-to part of the Content-Security-Policy header to the following (line breaks and [...] mine):

Content-Security-Policy: [...] navigate-to 'self'
https://*; [...]

This finally allowed me to log in to Brightspace.

Naturally I wanted to share my findings, especially since whenever navigate-to gets support without experimental flags, Brightspace log in breaks for everyone, so I went to the online university helpdesk. There, I was also met with a blank page. Imagine that. Suddenly logging in to Brightspace does not work anymore, and all the students going to the digital helpdesk are met with a blank page as well. Students panicking, the IT department (maybe) panicking because they were not doing any upgrades or maintenance or anything. Good thing I got a sneak preview of the problem, so I could warn them. First, bypassing navigate-to for the helpdesk as well:

Content-Security-Policy: [...] navigate-to 'self'
https://*; [...]

However, when I sent a message detailing the problem, I was met with “can you try clearing your cache?” I did, even though I knew that was not the problem, and it did not help. I did know what would help though, but they clearly did not care since I am reproducing the problem while writing the blog post almost 9 months later. When I confirmed that clearing the cache did not help, I was asked to disable #enable-experimental-web-platform-features. Which, sure, but that was not really the point. Anyway, I guess they will probably find out in time anyway, but I was still a bit disappointed.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Citation.js Version 0.5 and a 2022 update

Version 0.5.0

Version 0.5.0 of Citation.js was released on April 1st, 2021.

BibTeX and BibLaTeX

After the update to the Bib(La)TeX file parser, described in the earlier BibTeX Rework: Syntax Update blog post, the mapping of BibTeX and BibLaTeX data to CSL-JSON was also updated. The mapping is now split in two, one for BibLaTeX (which is backwards-compatible with BibTeX) and one for BibTeX. The output formats were also updated to output either BibTeX-compatible files or BibLaTeX-compatible files. The most common difference there is the use of year and month versus date respectively. In addition, a number of updates were made to the file parser.

Core changes

In the Grammar utility class, bugs were fixed an behavior was updated to better account for the Bib(La)TeX parser. Some of the code for correcting CSL-JSON was also updated, including moving the code correcting results of the Crossref API from the DOI plugin to the core module as CSL-JSON from the API may end up in Citation.js through other methods than the DOI plugin. Earlier in 0.5 development, some of the HTTP handling code was also updated for increased stability.

2022 update


The version released since v0.5.0 mostly contain bug fixes and small enhancements. The latter includes some more descriptive errors in certain places, as well as mapping some non-standard fields in Bib(La)TeX and RIS.

New site design

The design of the Citation.js site was updated for the first time since 2018. The changes were detailed in the recent Citation.js: New site blog post.

New plugins

New plugins for the refer file format (plugin-refer) and the RefWorks tagged format (plugin-refworks) were released.

More coming

More changes are expected, including more long-awaited output formats, better mappings for software and datasets, and more work on machine-readable mappings.

Citation.js: New site

Citation.js: New site

I recently updated the website of Citation.js. This involved getting rid of the Material Design Lite framework, simplifying and refreshing the site design and modernisering some of the code behind it. Additionally, I updated the content of the homepage, and added some functionality to the interface of the blog page and the demo.


The old layout of the homepage had a dark grey background, with in the middle a grid of four cards with the main content of the site, and between the top and bottom row the Citation.js banner-variant logo. The grid of cards had a background of syntax-highlighted source code. This is actually the start of the Citation.js v2 code, which at that point still consisted of a single file. On the very top of the page was a yellow header and in the bottom a thin black footer.

The new layout incorporates a lot of the design elements of the first design, but in a way that hopefully improves the readability and feel of the page. The yellow header remains but the links are centered instead of right-aligned. The footer is full-width (though the text is still centered) and has a larger font size and vertical padding. The grid is gone, instead the top of the page has a background of code in full-width with the banner logo and some introductory text. The other content is now aligned in a single row, and the cards are replaced with plain text, although the headers still have white text with a slight shadow on a dark background.


The blog page had the same header, footer, and dark grey background in the old layout, with individual blog posts as cards and the introductory text and search bar as a slightly wider card.

The new layout mirrors the changes to the homepage, especially the white background and full-width code background and the changing of cards to plain text. To the right of the blog content is now a sidebar listing the blog posts per year, which moves to the bottom of the page on narrow screens. Below the search bar is now a clickable list of tags.

Demo page

The design of the demo page has not been updated since I made it in April 2016, being more or less plain-text but with paragraphs limited in width and centered.

The new design adds the header, footer, and code background from the homepage as well as some styles for the headers. The interface of the demo is simplified at the cost of easy-to-read code. That also means that the live view of the code is removed.

API documentation

The styles of the home page now also apply to the API documentation.